Contractors Access Management Solution.
The Smart Way to Manage Contractor Access and Security

Introducing WiseIngress: The Smart Way to Manage Contractor Access and Security

WiseIngress revolutionizes contractor management with its intelligent, secure solutions. Here’s how it works:

  1. Secure the Structure: Utilize one of WiseIngress’s smart locks to ensure the safety of your premises.
  2. Assign Unique IDs: Easily assign a unique ID to each location secured by smart lock via the platform’s admin dashboard.
  3. Manage Access: Add the contractor’s mobile phone number to the WiseIngress dashboard, specifying the contract duration and authorized locations.

How contractors access management solution works:

  • During the contract period, contractors can visit authorized locations and scan the QR code or send the related location ID to a designated number to request an access PIN code via their registered phone number.
  • If the contractor’s phone number is authorized, the WiseIngress platform will respond with access period options.
  • The contractor can reply to the SMS with their chosen option, and WiseIngress will automatically generate a time-sensitive access PIN code and send it to the contractor.
  • The SMS also includes a web link for contractors to submit reports and attach pictures if necessary.
Wiseingress contractors access management solution.